What is Monero blockchain? | XMR

What is Monero blockchain? | XMR

Monero was launched in April 2014 as an open source cryptocurrency that put emphasis on user privacy, currency decentralization, and block scalability. During the launch, there was no premine and instantmine, and there existed no block rewards sets aside for development. However, since the launch and the rift created when the developers tried to impose some changes on the community, Monero has made several improvements. Such improvements include migrating from different database structures for greater flexibility and efficiency, setting the minimum ring signature sizes to make all transactions private by mandate, and implements RingCT system to hide the transaction amount to further boast privacy.

Monero is literally a privacy related project. Monero got a lot of publicity when its prices began to spike. The announcement by AlphaBay, a leading darknet market, of their intention of integrating Monero. The Monero Bull Run was triggered by the news that SIGAINT, an anonymous email service, decided to host a Monero node on Tor. Users are now able to make transactions without risk of error or attack by providing full block rewards to the most crucial members of the it’s mining community who provide this security.

Monero was founded on the grounds of providing a decentralized currency. The proof-of-work algorithm is readily accessible making it easy to mine Monero on any ordinary CPU but makes it difficult for someone looking to purchase a huge amount of mining power. However, this algorithm significantly reduces the advantages of GPU over CPU. Developmental proposals are made clear and open to public scrutiny by publishing development meeting logs online in their entirety. In order to lower the risk of revealing sensitive transactions information and censorship, the nodes are connected with each other with 12P.

Monero being based on the CryptoNote protocol contains significant algorithmic differences in terms of blockchain obfuscation. The main emission curve is designed to issue 18.132 million coins per ca. in a span of 8 years which is expected to end in May 2022. The tail emission is set at 0.6 XMR per 2-minutes block having been modified from the previous tail emission of 0.3 XMR per 1-minute block. The emission is based on smoothly decreasing rewards with no block halving. The change in tail emission allowed Monero to create a sub-1% perpetual inflation to prevent the lack of incentives that may exist among its miner’s community once the currency cannot be mined anymore.

Monero does not have a 1 MB block size limit to prevent scaling like Bitcoin does. Monero has a block reward penalty mechanism which is built into the protocol to prevent excessive block size increases. The block reward penalty mechanism works by comparing the median size M100 of the last 100 blocks with the new block size. The block rewards are reduced depending on how much NBS exceeds M100 in a quarterly manner.


What is Monero blockchain? Pros and cons:


  • Monero ecosystem has admirable privacy features.
  • The network is information transparent.
  • Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Monero has a centralized mining network.
  • The cryptocurrency has very limited use.